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Spring Family Fishing Festival at Belmont Lake State Park Scheduled for April 5

Spring Family Fishing Festival at Belmont Lake State Park Scheduled for April 5

Anglers lining the shores at Belmont Lake waiting for fresh stockies to bite. Fun for the whole family! Photo: outdoortom.com

Long Island’s biggest freshwater fishing event each year is the Annual Spring Family Fishing Festival at Belmont Lake State Park, scheduled for April 5 this spring. With a festive atmosphere, parkland surroundings, and the lake loaded with freshly stocked trout, it’s fun for the whole family. 

Festivities begin at 10 a.m. and are free of charge (parking is free for Empire Pass holders, $8 for those without the pass). Activities include open fishing, casting instruction, rod use, fish identification, fishing instruction, fly-casting demonstrations, an early-morning stocking event, plus a fish-cleaning station. DEC and local fishing clubs will also host informational displays and provide loaner rods. Free bait will even be available to  participants. Note that the supply of loaner rods is limited, so do bring your own fishing tackle if possible. This feisty brown fell for an inline spinner. A slow steady retrieve will usually always do the trick. Photo: outdoortom.com 

Children's activities include the "Spring Fling" casting contest and hands-on educational displays by DEC's Education Unit. Children participating in the casting contest also have a chance to win prizes provided by DEC's I FISH NY Program.

The Annual Spring Family Fishing Festival at Belmont Lake State Park, which will be held rain or shine, is designated as a Free Fishing Event. That means the freshwater fishing license requirement for anglers ages 16 and older is suspended during the program. After 4 p.m., anglers need a valid New York State freshwater fishing license to legally fish. All fishing regulations will continue to apply.

The spillway is a popular spot to catch fish staging up in the current. Photo: outdoortom.com

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  • Bryce Poyer