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White Water Blog

White Water Costa Rican Shootout 2018

White Water Costa Rican Shootout 2018

Jeff was especially blessed this particular outing and scored some long awaited redemption after busting off a sole crushing behemoth roosterfish last year.  He successfully put the screws to and landed a personal best 40 lb top-water rooster after a spirited battle.
  • White Water Outfitters Admin
Fanning Island Adventure

Fanning Island Adventure

If you're adventurous, self-sufficient, thrive on improvisation and are content with simple living, a world of untold wonder awaits you on Fanning Island!
  • White Water Outfitters Admin
Docklines: An Underrated Striper Haven

Docklines: An Underrated Striper Haven

As a rule, I would say some of the best striper haunts go largely overlooked by the masses; these are the precious gems respected and treasured by sharpies and stumbled upon by lucky novices.  Oftentimes such striper magnets are only a stone's throw from ones slip or quite frankly the slip itself.
  • White Water Outfitters Admin
Spring Blackfish Reboot

Spring Blackfish Reboot

With another long winter drawing to a close, the arrival of spring is making cabin fever stricken anglers more impatient than ever. It's safe to say that every saltwater loyalist on Long Island is anticipating their first opportunity to slay some fish in 2018. 
  • White Water Outfitters Admin